Orbán’s Hungary – Lessons for Britain – Is Hungary Unfairly Demonised in the West

Orbán’s Hungary – Lessons for Britain – Is Hungary Unfairly Demonised in the West

Amid the ideological madness and hysteria currently besieging the West, many conservatives view Hungary as a land of sanity and common sense. Hungary’s measured approach to immigration, its patriotic cultural policies and its promotion of the traditional family have angered much of the establishment in Britain and the EU. But for traditionalists and conservatives, Hungary reminds them of how the West used to be.

Why is Hungary so unfairly demonised? And how has it managed to remain steadfast in the face of such widespread international opposition? How successful are its policies? And what, if anything, can we in Western Europe and America learn from Hungary in restoring our own culture, institutions and politics?

In this special documentary recorded in Hungary, the New Culture Forum explores the real Hungary. Presented by Peter Whittle.

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